2025 Executive Board
Su Ah Kim
Su Ah Kim (Class of 2025) is from Honolulu, HI and is concentrating in Finance and Healthcare Management with a minor in Chemistry. Previously, Su Ah served as the 2024 VP of University Relations, as the 2023 VP of Membership Development, and on the Pro-Bono Consulting Committee her freshman fall. She is incredibly grateful and excited to serve as the 2025 Wharton Women President and looks forward to continue supporting Wharton Women’s mission by working with the executive board, committees, and general body members. Outside of Wharton Women, Su Ah is also a WH1010: Business and You TA, VP of Finance for Class Board 2026, Exec VP of the Penn Pre-Dental Society, and a volunteer for the Shelter Healthcare Outreach Program. In her free time, you can find Su Ah exploring new restaurants in Philly/NYC, running along the schuylkill river trail, or curating new playlists on spotify. Please feel free to reach out to Su Ah at suahkim1@wharton.upenn.edu.
Arthi Vekatakrishnan
Vice President of University Relations
Arthi Venkatakrishnan (Class of 2026) is from Princeton, NJ and is concentrating in Finance and Business Analytics. She joined Wharton Women her freshmen fall and has since served as a member of the Marketing committee as well as the VP of Marketing, where she designed dozens of social media posts and photographed Wharton Women events. Arthi’s love for Wharton Women and inspiration for joining the Board stems from her passion for the uplifting professional and personal community the organization has provided. Now as VP of University Relations, she’s excited to ensure that every undergraduate woman can feel connected to Wharton Women. Outside of Wharton Women, Arthi is involved in the PEER Mentoring Program. In her free time, she enjoys baking, reading, and learning new things. Feel free to reach out with any questions at artven@wharton.upenn.edu.
Claire Qu
Vice President of Corporate Relations
Claire Qu (Class of 2026) is from Carmel, IN and is concentrating in Finance and Management. She joined Wharton Women her freshman fall as an Annual Dinner Chair, and then spent her next two semesters on the Pro-Bono Consulting Committee. During this time, she also chaired Dressing for Success, Wharton Women’s philanthropic cornerstone event. Last year, she was the VP of Operations, leading the Education & Engagement and WSJ committees and ensuring all Wharton Women events run smoothly. Now, she is excited to serve as the co-VP of Corporate Relations. Besides Wharton Women, Claire is a TA for FNCE 1010 and WH 2010, and in her free time, she loves to run along the Schuylkill and drink probably way too much coffee. You can reach Claire at quclaire@wharton.upenn.edu.
Alina Markutsya
Vice President of Corporate Relations
Alina Markutsya (Class of 2027) is from Ames, IA, concentrating in Finance with a minor in International Relations. Alina joined Wharton Women as part of the Fellows Program in her freshman fall and then the Finance Committee in her freshman spring. She is excited to serve as the 2025 co-VP of Corporate Relations! Outside of Wharton Women, Alina is also in the Phi Chi Theta Business Fraternity, a WH1010: Business and You TA, the Outreach Director of the Ukrainian Student Association, and a Wharton Cohorts Director. You can find Alina working out at Pottruck, enjoying the Rittenhouse farmer’s market, playing the flute, and watching Netflix series. Please feel free to reach out to Alina at alinam@wharton.upenn.edu.
Khwaish Lakhiani
Vice President of Evolve
Khwaish Lakhiani (Class of 2026) is a junior from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, concentrating in Finance and Statistics with a minor in Data Science. She joined Wharton Women her freshman fall, and most recently served as a project leader as part of the Pro-Bono Consulting Committee. As the new VP of Evolve, Khwaish is excited to continue to foster an environment where women and underrepresented gender identities uplift one another. Outside of Wharton Women, Khwaish is involved in 180 Degrees Consulting, Violet Quaker, and serves as a TA for WH2010. In her free time, you can find Khwaish exploring new restaurants in Philly, taking long walks, and listening to music. Feel free to reach out at khwaish@wharton.upenn.edu.
Ada Wang
Vice President of Finance
Ada Wang (Class of 2027) is from Houston, TX and is concentrating in Finance and Marketing. In her freshman year she joined Wharton Women as part of the Annual Dinner Committee, before focusing on engagement as the 2024 VP of Membership Development. This year, she hopes to empower all Wharton Women members as the VP of Finance and leading the Finance and Investments Committee. You can find Ada bouldering in Pottruck’s rock climbing wall, baking/cooking (and/or) eating at Philly’s restaurants, working as project lead in Wharton Undergraduate Consulting Club, or playing board games with friends. Feel free to reach out at adaw@wharton.upenn.edu.
Suzie Kim
Vice President of Philanthropy (Community)
Suzie Kim (Class of 2027) is from Blacksburg, VA and is concentrating in Marketing and Finance with a minor in Law & Society. She joined Wharton Women her freshman fall as a member of the Marketing Committee. In 2024, she served as the VP of Alumnae Relations, where she enjoyed strengthening alumnae-student mentorship and spearheading panels such as “Wharton Women Around the World” to highlight underrepresented career paths. As the new VP of Philanthropy Community, Suzie is excited to increase engagement with the surrounding Philly community and to host the 2025 Dressing for Success fashion show, with proceeds going to The Wardrobe. Outside of Wharton Women, Suzie is involved in MUSE Consulting and The WALK Magazine. In her free time, you can catch Suzie reading, trying new foods with friends, or listening to folk, indie, and pop music. Feel free to reach out to Suzie at suziekim@wharton.upenn.edu.
Amelie Zhang
Vice President of Philanthropy (Consulting)
Amelie Zhang (Class of 2027) is from New York City and Hong Kong, and is pursuing a coordinated dual-degree in International Studies and Business as part of the Huntsman Program. Amelie joined PBC in her freshman fall, and is excited to now lead the PBC committee and help teams create tangible impact for local women-owned organizations. Outside of Wharton Women, Amelie is involved with Wharton Undergraduate Finance Club and the Wharton Undergraduate Venture Group. In her free time, Amelie enjoys taking long walks, cooking with friends, and swimming.
Rhea Thapar
Vice President of Operations
Rhea Thapar (Class of 2027) is from Milwaukee, WI, and is concentrating in Finance and Business Analytics. She joined Evolve her freshman fall and spent three semesters with the committee. Concurrently, she served as Programming Chair for Dressing for Success. As VP of Operations, Rhea is excited to ensure the seamless execution of all Wharton Women events and foster a strong sense of community within the Walnut Street Journal and Education & Engagement committees. Outside of Wharton Women, Rhea is also a project lead for the Wharton Undergraduate Venture Group, financial analyst for The WALK Fashion Magazine, and consultant with the Global Research Consulting Group. In her free time, you can find Rhea café hopping, thrifting, and trying new restaurants. Please feel free to reach out to her at rthapar@wharton.upenn.edu.
Chloe Chen
Vice President of Marketing
Chloe Chen (Class of 2027) is from Portland, OR and is concentrating in Real Estate and Marketing. She joined Wharton Women as part of the Marketing Committee in her sophomore fall, and is beyond excited to now lead the marketing committee as it continues spreading awareness and creating engagement with Wharton Women and supporting all Wharton Women members. Outside of Wharton Women, you can find Chloe serving as the VP of Alumni Relations for Penn’s Transfer Student Organization (her first year was spent at Pomona College) and helping increase local food spend through a Wharton-backed ESG project. In her free time, Chloe loves house hunting on Zillow, doing anything and everything food-related, and pickleballing.
Himakshi Shastri
Vice President of Alumnae Relations
Himakshi Shastri (Class of 2028) is a freshman from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, concentrating in Finance and Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG). She joined Wharton Women in her freshman fall as part of the Evolve Committee, where she found an empowering community created by women, for women. This year, as VP of Alumnae Relations, she is excited to carry forward the Wharton Women love – building alumnae connections that reflect the warmth, ambition, and unstoppable drive of the women at Wharton. Outside of Wharton Women, Himakshi serves as a United Nations SDG7 Youth Constituency Representative and has been a voice for climate action at COP28, the UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, Expo 2020, and more. She is also involved in the Energy & Industrials Committee of Wharton Asia Exchange and the Consulting Committee for Penn Climate Ventures, working at the intersection of sustainability and business. In her free time, Himakshi loves listening to house music, debating, and trying new foods. You can reach out to Himakshi at himakshi@wharton.upenn.edu.
Lina Yang
Vice President of Membership Development
Lina Yang (Class of 2028) is from Rochester, NY and is concentrating in Finance and Management. She joined Wharton Women this past fall, working as a consultant on the Pro-Bono Consulting Committee. She is excited to serve as the VP of Membership Development to foster meaningful connections and enhance the Wharton Women community. Outside of Wharton Women, Lina serves as a project lead for REACH and is very involved with the Chinese Students’ Association. In her free time, she enjoys travelling, taking naps, blasting throwback music, and spending quality time with friends and family. Please reach out at yanglina@wharton.upenn.edu with any questions.